What to do:
1. Please arrive with no makeup on. If you are having the eye area treated we will ask you to remove your eye makeup 100%, do not wear contacts, and wear your glasses. Please arrive 30-40 minutes early for topical numbing. The area will be injected with lidocaine but it is okay to take Tylenol prior the procedure as well. Any medications/supplements that thin the blood should be avoided prior ie ibuprofen, fish oil, Aleve.
2. Post treatment, we will apply a patch, called Duoderm. This is to help reduce swelling and prevent infection. Leave on until the next day after treatment.
3. You may continue to ice on and off for the first couple hours post treatment to help reduce swelling.
4. In the morning on the next day (Day 2), remove the duoderm and wash with a gentle cleanser such as Neocutis gentle cleanser.
5. Treat skin gently over the next couple days, avoid rubbing and scratching.
6. Avoid using harsh products such as Retin A, AHA’S, and HQ for 1 week.
7. DO use products such as Neocutis Aftercare and Alastin post-injection serum beginning on day 2 (Day 1 is the day of the treatment). Please clear any products with us before use.
8. Avoid direct sunlight and use SPF 30+ during the course of your entire treatment. Zinc and Titanium ingredients are recommended as well as a wide brim hat. These products are available for purchase in our office. Failure to properly avoid sun can result in hyperpigmentation and other permanent side effects.
9. Avoid places and things that may create an infection for 48 hours, i.e. pets, lakes, rivers, hospitals, masks, day cares, etc. Make sure to wash your hands and avoid touching the treated area.
10. Call the office with any questions or concerns.
Possible Side Effects:
1. Swelling – this will last for 2 – 5 days normally but can continue to be mildly swollen for a week or two. Significant swelling can be massaged IN OUR OFFICE with a monopolar device free of charge. If you are a slow healer please plan ahead and book a free 15 minute follow up appt with us in advance. This can be done 1-3 days after treatment.
2. Dry and peeling skin.
3. Redness – this will last for 2 – 5 days normally but can continue to be mildly red for a week or two.
4. Itchiness in the area treated.
5. Tenderness of the area treated. This is temporary.
6. Numbness in the area treated. This is temporary.
7. “Collagen balls” – these are small white patches that look like a pimple or a milia. They typically appear around the eyes when doing Agnes for skin tightening. They may also appear elsewhere if Agnes was used for skin tightening. They need to be massaged 2 – 3 times a day. They will then dissipate in a few days to a week. These are a good sign, even though they are not ideal for public appearance😊
If you are unsure if you are contraindicated for a treatment or unsure if you want to be treated, please call us to schedule a free consultation.
Pre/Post Treatment Suggested Do’s and Don’ts
Any medication/supplement that thins the blood can increase the risk of bleeding. Talk to your healthcare provider if you take the following medications or supplements (Generally they should be avoided 7 days prior to injection):
– Fish Oil, Asprin, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Warfarin, Xarelto, Heparin, St. John’s Wart, Garlic, Ginkgo Biloba, Vitamin E. This list is not all-inclusive.
– Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours before or after your treatment in order to prevent bruising.
– Ice is okay after your treatment if needed. There may be bumps but they usually go away within minutes.
– After your treatment do not rub the area or lay on it for 4 hours. Exercise is okay but avoid anything that would invert the body (standing on your head for some yoga poses).
– Once any pinpoint areas from injection sites have closed it is okay to apply makeup (usually after one hour)
MUST READ: Dermal fillers & Sculptra – Pre/Post Treatment Requirements
Please come in with a clean face 30 minutes prior to your appointment to have adequate time if you would like to numb. If you are late to your appointment, we most likely will have to reschedule you and you will be liable for a late cancellation fee. If you are unable to come in with a clean face, we do have makeup wipes available in our restroom for your use. Remember, this is an implanted medical device and it is incredibly important that we have a clean face to work with to avoid infection. The entire face must be clean, not just the injection area. If having your lips injected, please use our mouthwash when you arrive. Please bring a clean mask to your appointment, dirty masks carry a risk of infection
Do not plan your injections for at least 2 weeks before a big event. Even if you have never bruised before, bruising and swelling is always a possibility.
It is also advisable not to fly/scuba dive or snorkel within 24 hours or longer of receiving filler due to the possibility of swelling with a change in pressure.
Any medication/supplement that thins the blood can increase the risk of bleeding. Talk to your healthcare provider if you take the following medications or supplements (Generally they should be avoided at least 7 days prior to injection):
- Fish Oil, Asprin, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Warfarin, Xarelto, St. John’s Wart, Flaxseed oil, Garlic, Ginkgo Biloba, Vitamin E. This list is not all-inclusive.
Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours before or after your treatment. Do not smoke for 24 hours following your treatment. Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine prior to your appointment as this can contribute to an increase in bleeding.
If you think you may have a contraindication to treatment, please call us to schedule a free consultation. If you are unsure if you want to be treated, please do not book for filler and instead book a free consultation.
Bellafill requires an allergy test 28 days prior to treatment. Please only book this appointment if you have already had the allergy test or have had Bellafill in the past. Contraindications include but are not limited to:
- pregnancy or breastfeeding, infection at the site of treatment, autoimmune disease, immunosuppressant therapy, multiple or severe allergies or allergies to lidocaine.
Ice for the next 4 hours – 15 minutes on/15 minutes off following your injections unless told otherwise. You can continue to ice periodically for continued swelling.
Avoid anything that will heat the face for 24 hours (hot tub/laying out/working out); apply sunscreen for incidental exposure.
Do not massage the area unless instructed by the injector. – – Try not to lay on the injected area for 8 hours. If nose or cheek filler was used do not wear glasses for at least 8 hours.
If lips were treated apply Lipluxe to the lips frequently to prevent chapped lips. Lipluxe is available for purchase in our office and was specially formulated to hydrate the lips after injections while allowing them to breathe.
Swelling/bruising can occur and may last up to two weeks depending on your body. Some people find Arnica, Bromelain, or fresh Pineapple to be helpful before or after the procedure to help with swelling and bruising. Inflammation supplements and Arnica pellets and gel are available in our office for purchase, as well as the Alastin post injection serum.
Inform us if you are prone to cold sores as injecting the lips or near the lips may increase the risk of an outbreak but can be treated.
Do not apply makeup after your treatment until the open areas are completely closed. If possible, skip makeup the day of treatment and do not use any unclean brushes/beauty blenders to apply makeup.
Oxygenetix foundation is available for purchase which is specifically formulated to be safe to apply after procedures. It is available for purchase in our office as well as the Jane Iredale corrective colors bruise concealing kit. Sunscreen, serums etc., can be applied after 4 hours.
Don’t get a facial, chemical peel/massage 1-2 weeks following your treatment. In our office, we do not perform chemical peels the same day as filler.
Microneedling/Laser/Ultherapy generally should be avoided for a month after filler if treating in the same area. Let your treating provider know about your recent treatment. If your tear troughs were injected recently, treatments around that area should be less aggressive.
Apply a clean mask following injections. Phones should also be cleaned with alcohol pads to decrease the risk of infection. Lumps, bumps, asymmetry in the areas injected are normal. They usually dissipate within a few weeks. It is common to feel a lump but not see it while it integrates into the tissue. If necessary additional filler can be placed after 2-4 weeks. If desiring to build volume in the lips, treatments may be needed monthly depending on your goals.
Sculptra injections require massage and we recommend the 5-5-5 rule (massage 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for 5 days) as demonstrated in our office. Massage should be gentle and done with a facial cream or serum. Don’t worry- you cannot move the Sculptra out of place with massage! Sculptra often has more swelling than fillers because more volume (water) was injected. Expect this to go down within a few days then gradually over weeks as collagen will begin to build. Expect to need 2-3 treatments of Sculptra spaced 1-3 months apart.
Swelling, redness and tenderness are normal after injections. Temple filler will usually result in pain while chewing. If you experience severe pain, mottling or discoloration of the skin please contact us immediately! Better to be safe than sorry, please call/text us with any concerns.
Other reasons not to be treated:
Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, recent vaccine (including flu or COVID), recent surgery or antibiotics within the last week, skin infection or any treatments that require laying on the treatment area for a prolonged period such as massage.
If you are unsure if you should be treated or not – it is your responsibility to talk to us at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. As we are not aware of all the possible contraindications that may prevent you from being treated therefore it is expected that you review this list prior to your appointment. Failure to communicate with us will result in a $125 fee for the booked time. Please do not wait until your appointment to talk to us. We book out an hour for filler and must charge for that time. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Preparing for your Kybella Treatment
1. The amount of Kybella needed is determined at your appointment. A grid is placed under the chin and the amount of injection sites needed determines the amount of Kybella you will need. Unlike with other products where you can choose to do more or less, Kybella must be exact. We will not undertreat you so please be prepared to be treated adequately.
2. Most people need 2-3 vials but occasionally some people may need 4.
3. Some people have had great success with only one treatment, however in the clinical studies 2-6 treatments were needed on participants.
4. If you need another treatment, it will need to be about a month after the first one. We recommend booking the next appointment at time of treatment. You can always cancel with 24 hours notice. You will know it is time to re-treat when you no longer feel the product working.
5. Do not plan this treatment right before a major event. You most likely will be swollen for a few days after injection so plan ahead. Although rare, some people have reported swelling for a few weeks.
6. After injection we do recommend to ice the area for four hours, 15 minutes on 15 minutes off. Ibuprofen can be taken for discomfort. Pineapple or arnica can be taken to minimize bruising.
7. If you have a history of difficulty swallowing, are currently pregnant or breastfeeding you are not a candidate. If you have had procedures performed at the treatment site, call us and we can talk over the phone first to make sure this is the right procedure for you.
Post Treatment
1. Swelling can be significant for a few days after Kybella. If it does not go down within a week please give us a call. Bruising, hardened areas (induration) and numbness are common following the procedure.
2. If you have severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing please call 911 or go the nearest ER.
3. Ibuprofen can be taken for mild discomfort, icing can help as well.
4. Some people report itching, an antihistamine such as Zyrtec can be taken.
5. If you have difficulty swallowing, crusting or scabbing or any other unusual symptoms please give us a call.
6. Do not participate in strenuous activity for at least 3 days following treatment.
7. Sleep with your head elevated until swelling goes down.
8. Do not massage, scratch or pick at the areas of injection.
Preparing for your Sclerotherapy appointment
Your initial appointment will be just for evaluation to make sure you are a candidate for the procedure unless otherwise discussed with the office prior to the appointment.
You are required to purchase compression hose prior to treatment. If you arrive to the appointment without them you may not be treated and charged a fee so please make sure you have them.
Please arrive to the appointment wearing loose fitting shorts.
Do not shave or wear lotion on your legs the day of the appointment.
Do not use self-tanner for at least a week prior to your appointment.
Post care Sclerotherapy
You will be asked to stay in the office for 20 minutes after the procedure to make sure you do not have an allergic response so please plan on spending over an hour with us.
Make sure to wear your compression hose as recommended (Generally 7 days, on during the day and off at bedtime).
Avoid hot baths for 48 hours and shaving for 24 hours
Avoid direct sunlight for 7 days, excessive sun exposure can lead to permanent skin staining.
No prolonged sitting or standing – take breaks or do foot exercises (dorsiflex)
Arnica can be used to help the healing process
Aleve or Motrin can be taken to help with pain
Discoloration can take months to dissapear
No strenuous lifting/working out for 7 days however walking is encouraged and normal activity can be resumed immediately
Be patient with your body, 3-5 treatments may be necessary spaced 4-6 weeks apart
Call us if you have any concerns including severe pain, your veins will look worse before they look better.
Preparing for your PRP micro needling treatment
1. Bring a hat with you for your appointment. You will need it to wear home. This is very important because you need to avoid sunlight and cannot put on sunscreen yet!
2. You will need to plan this treatment when you are sure you can avoid any sun exposure for one week.
3. After the appointment you will have some redness/swelling that can last up to 24 hours.
4. The day of treatment you will not be able to put makeup on so plan accordingly.
5. Please call us prior to your appointment if you have any of the following conditions: autoimmune disorder, porphyria, facial cancer, communicable diseases, liver disease, blood disorder, hepatitis, on anticoagulation therapy or may be pregnant. These may be contraindications to receiving the procedure.
6. We recommend discontinuing anything that may thin the blood a week prior to the procedure such as Fish Oil, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Xarelto, St. John’s Wart, Heparin, Ginkgo Biloba, Vitamin E, Asprin. Discontinuation of any prescription medication should be discussed with your healthcare provider. We also recommend not drinking any alcoholic beverages 24 hour prior to the procedure to prevent bruising.
After your appointment
1. Wear a hat to avoid sun exposure
2. Leave the PRP on the remainder of the day until you wash your face at night with a mild cleanser.
3. Whenever your face feels tight apply the HA gel provided. You may also apply grapeseed oil.
4. You may ice if you feel swollen, 15 minutes on 15 minutes off.
5. We recommend avoiding Ibuprofen or any anti-inflammatories.
6. You must wear sunscreen for a week following your treatment and avoid direct sun exposure. Failure to do this may result in hyperpigmentation.
Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to fill out the necessary Ultherapy paperwork. If you arrive late to your appointment you may forfeit your deposit and be asked to reschedule.
If you have any of the following Ultherapy is contraindicated at this time, please contact the office to reschedule: open wounds in the treatment area, severe or cystic acne in the treatment area, or active implants in the treatment area. If recently treated with dermal fillers please wait 2 weeks to have Ultherapy if treating the same area. Neurotoxins (Botox)etc can be performed after your Ultherapy treatment or if receiving Botox first wait 24 hours.
Medication may be prescribed to you prior to your appointment. If medication is prescribed you are agreeing not to drive for 24 hours following your appointment and will have a driver to take you home. If not having a medication prescribed to you we recommend taking Ibuprofen or Tylenol 30-45 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment.
We do require a $100 non-refundable deposit as we reserve 1-2 hours for your treatment. If you cancel or need to reschedule you need to give us a minimum of 24 hours notice. If you are wanting to treat multiple areas, please be advised it may take more than one appointment.
This is truly a lunchtime procedure and most people do not have any visible downtime. Some people do have mild redness and swelling. Icing or topical hydrocortisone following the procedure is ok if needed. Results are gradual and take 2-6 months. Please call the office if you have any concerns.
Preparing for your PDO thread treatment
Before your appointment:
Please arrive with a clean face or we can provide you with face wipes.
We recommend discontinuing anything that may thin the blood a week prior to the procedure such as Fish Oil, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Xarelto, St. John’s Wart, Heparin, Ginkgo Biloba, Vitamin E, Asprin. Discontinuation of any prescription medication should be discussed with your healthcare provider. We also recommend not drinking any alcoholic beverages 24 hour prior to the procedure to prevent bruising.
Smoking can delay healing and is generally not recommended prior to appointment or during the healing process.
Swelling/bruising can occur and may last up to two weeks depending on your body-Plan your treatment in advance of any big events!
Some people find Arnica or Pineapple to be helpful before or after the procedure to help with swelling/bruising. Icing gently for 15 minutes on 15 minutes off is recommended.
Inform us if you are prone to cold sores as injecting the lips or near the lips may increase the risk of an outbreak but can be treated.
After your appointment:
Do not apply makeup until the area has healed (at least 4 hours but may take longer)
Do not massage or manipulate the area in any way unless otherwise instructed
Do not exercise or perform any strenuous lifting for 72 hours after the procedure (or longer if instructed otherwise)
Avoid facials, waxing, massage for three weeks
Laser treatments can dissolve the product quicker and should be discussed with your provider
Any medication/supplement that can thin the blood including anti-inflammatory medications should generally be avoided for two weeks following the procedure and should be discussed with the medical provider
Swimming/submerging the area treated should be avoided until it has completely healed (days up to two weeks)
If lips are treated, avoid drinking out of straws until completely healed (may be up to two weeks)
Icing is generally recommended after the procedure, 15 minutes on 15 minutes off